Personal Coaching

I provide a supportive, non-judgmental holding space for people to fully be themselves. You’ll leave your sessions with me with greater clarity about your behavioral and thought patterns, greater ease in your emotional life, and with a plan of action to address the relational challenges, work issues, and personal difficulties you face.

Types of Sessions

Blind Spots Coaching

Do you run into patterned behaviors that seem to undermine your work and relational life but that you can’t quite see clearly? Or do you see your patterned conditioning but you still feel stuck and lacking a sense of freedom and ease? If so, I will work to help you uncover the underlying beliefs, emotions, and hidden needs that may work together under the surface of your conscious awareness to hold your blind spot in place. Together we will discover new ways of seeing yourself and the world around you that bring clarity and a sense of thriving in your work and personal relationships. The premise of this work is to surface, welcome and integrate any unconscious material that may be trying to get your attention, and give its profound gifts to you.

Mindfulness Meditation Coaching

Are you looking to gain further insight in your spiritual practice or to learn what it means to practice mindfulness in an integrated way throughout your day? Are you grappling with deep existential questions related to your path of spiritual awakening? If so, I would be happy to support you in whatever inquiry is most pressing and alive for you. For me, this means providing a holding, caring presence as you discover just what that inquiry is. I will also help you to contextualize your experience within the larger spiritual journey and locate whatever soul-level initiations and invitations are beckoning to you.

How to sign up

Feel free to contact me at It may be a period of time before we schedule an initial consultation, but please share what you’re looking to address and you will be placed on a list for the next opening.

“After having worked with many, many coaches over the years and spending time in numerous modalities, I found my way to working with Kelly after reading her book, “The Blind Spot Effect”. In a relatively short period of time, my sessions with Kelly have had a huge impact by helping me to see previously hidden blockages and thought patterns that were holding me back from achieving my goals and from being truly present in my life.”

What clients say

"I have worked with Kelly for over 2 years & find her to be an exceptionally grounded, warm & insightful spiritual companion/coach. She trusts in the deep wisdom of embodied/somatic inquiry as well as the potential of re-membering one's essential nature, & inherent belonging."